Donate using Amazon Smile
You can help fund the volunteers of Princeton Junction Volunteer Fire Company in a number of ways.
You can help fund the volunteers of Princeton Junction Volunteer Fire Company in a number of ways.
Now you can also support the activities of Princeton Junction Volunteer Fire Company #1 while shopping online!
After selecting us as your charity of choice, every time you shop on Amazon you ensure that 0.5% of your purchase goes to Princeton Junction Volunteer Fire Co No1 Inc at no additional cost to you.
Here's how it works:
1. Login to amazon smile
1. Login to amazon smile
Go to or click here
2. Change your charity
2. Change your charity
Under the "Your Account" dropdown menu, select "Change Your Charity".
Remember, only purchases made at, (not or with AmazonSmile turned ON in the Amzon Shopping app on your mobile phone will generate AmazonSmile donations.
Remember, only purchases made at, (not or with AmazonSmile turned ON in the Amzon Shopping app on your mobile phone will generate AmazonSmile donations.
If you don’t see the “amazonsmile” logo in the upper left-hand corner when you’re shopping Amazon, Amazon won’t know to donate 0.5% of your purchase price to Princeton Junction Volunteer Fire Co No1 Inc.
If you don’t see the “amazonsmile” logo in the upper left-hand corner when you’re shopping Amazon, Amazon won’t know to donate 0.5% of your purchase price to Princeton Junction Volunteer Fire Co No1 Inc.
Thanks for your support!
Thanks for your support!